News & Updates
UC Berkeley's researchers are mapping and measuring climate change in the canopy of Giant Sequoia National Park. We joined with 360° cameras to capture what we could.
We teamed up with NPR to create a 360° story on geologic change in Rocky Mountain National Park!
"A tech-based preservation technique ensures future generations can see extinct landscapes." - Lara Piras on Catalog.Earth for PSFK: Ideas for Innovation
"Cataloguing The World's Disappearing Places In Stunning, 360-Degree Video" by Adele Peters for FastCompany's Co.Exist
BBC Video Journalist Matt Danizco discusses the value of 360° video and the potential of projects like Catalog.Earth
Why 360° video? How immersive storytelling can transport us and why we should design for wonder.
Listen in on a conversation with Catalog.Earth and Zohara Hieronimus on 21st Century Radio about the inspiration behind the project and our plans moving forward.
Preserving endangered landscapes with 360 video for the public domain. First Stop: Alaska